«return to workshops listSpring Equinox: Awakening into Balance & Beauty

Note: You will receive the Zoom link and password once your registration is received

The equinoxes hold an inherent matrix of balance–of daylight and darkness, of solar and lunar forces, of outer and inner space. At spring equinox we are ready to emerge into the increasing light, becoming free of the confinement of winter, finding the balance between rootedness and expansion.

This is a time of catalytic emergence, creativity, and hope. 

In this live Zoom workshop, Luisa will share a teaching and create a safe, sacred ceremonial container. We will drum to call in power as a group, experience a shamanic journey to unbind from the intense root growth of winter and into the new expansion of spring and sunlight.

Come join our sacred circle. Let us celebrate the return of spring!

NOTE: Luisa’s sessions, ceremonies, and workshops are a safe and welcoming space for immigrant, BIPOC and LGBTQ communities

Prerequisite: No previous experience is necessary, though a familiarity with the shamanic journey technique* will enhance your experience.

Please check timeanddate.com to find your time zone.

“The Honoring the Ancestors workshop was really extraordinary. I am amazed at how powerful it was on Zoom. The power of it has stayed with me” 
—Maralyn Farber, LMSW, Falls Church, VA