Transformation Shamanic Mentorship Application – Part I



Mentorship is for those who are ready to make a commitment to personal transformation. 

The Transformation Shamanic Mentorship is for you if:

• You are a visionary healer/therapist/medical professional/mystic /artist who is ready to learn and integrate my healing integrative shamanic healing models into your daily spiritual and professional practices. 

• You are ready to clear and transform family of origin and cultural emotional contracts and energetic templates so you can access your creativity and authenticity. This is foundational for deep spiritual and shamanic work.

• You are ready to learn Luisa’s model of integrative shamanic systems and structures as a lifelong resource for your personal and professional work.

Luisa offers free 20 minute calls to those who are seriously considering participating in the 
Transformation Shamanic Mentorship program.

There are a limited number of openings for these mentorships.

Description and Terms of Mentorship

The Transformation Shamanic Mentorship is a customized, intensive course of study. It is a private tutorial in personal healing and transformation drawing on the structures and systems of shamanism, psychotherapy, and grounded mysticism. Mentorship with Luisa entails a meaningful emotional, spiritual, and financial commitment. Luisa will only consider applicants who are ready to make shamanic-emotional transformation a priority in their lives.

Please read through ALL the information on this page before proceeding to Part II of the application.

Terms of Mentorship with Luisa

  1. The application process begins at the time determined in your preliminary conversation with Luisa. 

         2. Prerequisite: Luisa’s Introduction to Shamanic Journeying workshop. Familiarity with the journey technique is essential to mentorship work. If you haven’t taken this workshop with Luisa in person her online audio version of this workshop fulfills this prerequisite.

Each mentorship is unique and customized to address a theme or pattern in your life that you’re ready to transform. In a Transformation Shamanic Mentorship you and Luisa will explore and create together the intentions for your customized mentorship plan. These deep dives of transformational work will be creative, pleasurable, challenging, and soul building.

The goals and curriculum for mentorships will be discussed and discovered with Luisa.

The application for mentorship is interview- and essay-based.

Mentorship will be for a three month period, the dates of which will be determined by you and Luisa. 

Tuition for mentorship is $2,795. with a $900 nonrefundable deposit due when Luisa has reviewed your application and has accepted you into the mentorship program.

Intention of Mentorship
The intention of the Transformation Shamanic Mentorship is to engage in a personalized, custom-designed shamanic-psychotherapy curriculum to address a core issue you’re ready to transform at a root cause level.

Mentorship differs from consecutive individual sessions in that there will be a highly intentional, intimate level of continuity of intention and an ongoing energetic engagement and communication between you and Luisa throughout the period  of mentorship, including between sessions.

Continuity of Support & Engagement
Continuity will be supported through customized assignments such as journaling, shamanic journeying, meditation, reading, and relevant ceremonial or creative work. You and Luisa will co-create the goals and contexts of assignments together.

Mentorship includes:

• 2 x 75 minute sessions per month via phone or Zoom video

• 1 x 30 minute per month check-in via Zoom or phone

• Luisa will read and offer feedback on your shared online mentorship journal 

• 25% off online and in-person workshops during your mentorship period

• FREE access to Luisa’s Introduction to the Shamanic Journey online audio course

• Tuition is $2,795. with a nonrefundable $900 deposit due immediately upon acceptance to the mentorship program. The $1,895. balance will be payable on the first day or your mentorship period, with monthly payments due on the first of the month thereafter.

A more intensive mentorship schedule is also available and includes: 4 x 75 minute sessions per month; 2 x 30 minute per minute check-in by Zoom or phone, and all other features listed above. The cost for accelerated mentorship is $5,590. with a nonrefundable $900 deposit due upon acceptance to the program, and with monthly payments during the term of mentorship.

How to Apply for Mentorship

  1. Fill out this Mentorship application.
  2. The application process includes a complimentary exploration phone call with Luisa to discuss questions you may have about mentorship (serious inquiries only). Click here to request a free 20 minute mentorship exploration phone call.
  3. If, upon receipt of your mentorship application, Luisa thinks you’ll be a good match for mentorship she will be in touch with you to schedule a complimentary, introductory phone or Zoom call (30 minutes) to discuss how to prepare for your mentorship between now and the end of 2018.

    To schedule a free call to discuss mentorship (serious inquiries only), click here.

    In Love & Transformation,

Disclaimer: My workshops, ceremonies and individual sessions will at times involve processes, rituals, and teachings that will challenge you to stretch beyond your comfort zone. My mission is to use shamanic, somatic, and psychotherapeutic techniques to assist you in releasing expended, dysfunctional emotional contracts and to liberate more of your creativity, joy, and vitality. You may find yourself challenged to take responsibility for your emotions in a new way. Please show up with a willingness to witness your responses to your inner and outer realities without making them into a story or projection. In this way, you may catalyze practical and enduring transformations in how you feel and function in your everyday life.

By clicking on the link below, I certify that I have read the description and terms of mentorship and I agree to them. 
Click HERE to continue to the Transformation Shamanic Mentorship application form (Part II).